Thursday, July 01, 2010

Where am I?

Where am I? Where have I been? Not here, that's for sure - it's been nearly 4 weeks since I posted! And not on your blogs - I am shockingly behind on everyone's blogs. I have been away from you, my internet friends, for various reasons:
- lack of time. We went away on a week's holiday to the Isle of Wight which was wonderful and glorious. Especially glorious just to be with Adam and the kids. We camped in an Airstream trailer and went to the beach. We even - very bravely and not for very long - swam in the Atlantic.

As soon as I came home things just went into overdrive. There were trips to London to sort out our flat there for new tenants (and us! more of that another time), there seem to be endless events at both my kids' schools (some of which require picnics which need to be shopped for and cooked for) and generally - it has been a struggle to just fit the running itself in. Which I have managed, mostly..

- lack of oopmh. I know - not again. But yes, again. My runs in the past 2 weeks have been tough - really tough - primarily because I seem to be suffering from a really painful stomach and related (?) GI issues. I ran a race recently (more later of that) and by mile 13 of the 17.3 miler I had to go off in the bushes and dry-heave. I know - TMI - but that's never happened to me before. Last week I had 16 on the books with 10 at RP. While I managed the RP I had to shoot into a field by mile 9.5 of the race pace section and I then felt so awful I only managed 14 miles. Last night's 10 miler with 5 at LT was the same story - I completed the 2M warmup, the 5M at RP (with a totally respectable, for me, pace of 7:52) only to find myself completely sapped of energy by the end and just struggling home for the last mile, missing out another 2M. I have been googling my symptoms and some seem to suggest this might be dehydration. I can't think that's the case - I drink so much water all day and while I'm out running. And because of my stomach, I find it impossible to drink sports drink or eat gels / shotblocks - again, this is not going to help me go long. In all honesty, I have been so busy that it's only yesterday that I realised that this - my stomach ache and all - had been going on for a good 2 weeks or so (and I have it all day, not just when exercising) and I've made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. I seem to be susceptible to stomach viruses which is why I didn't take note immediately, but enough is enough.

Knowing our health service, however, it will be about another 3 weeks before I get any results. So int he meantime, this leaves me in a situation where my long runs, in particular, are hard to get through. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this. Partly as an experiment, partly through time shortage, I'm going to have to do tomorrow's long run (17M) in 2 parts (the doctor's appointment is right in the middle of my running slot) so what I think I'll do is 7M before breakfast and then 10 after the doc's appointment. We'll see how I get through that and whether that might be the way forward for a little while, at least.

In other news - I WON A PRIZE IN A RACE! Yes I know!
Let me paint the picture - it was the first-time running of a new local race, and 19 people entered the event I ran in - an 18 miler (except it was short). I ran the first nearly 9 miles with a 55 year old who gaily chatted for the entire time while I kept thinking I was setting off too fast.. After the turn (where my running buddy SuperSal was marshalling) I let him go which was a good thing because my GI issues got worse. I couldn't bear the feel of the race belt across my stomach so twisted that round my arm and, as I said above, I even pulled off the course for a while to see if I could feel better by being sick. No go. However, I decided there was no option to it other than to slog it out, and so slog it out I did. And when I walked back to my car to go home, I was told to stay to receive my prize! Prize! I was the 3rd woman in - the first woman got overall first, the second was older than me by 16 years and came first in her age group (yes I know you are less and less impressed with me now) and then there was me - 1st in my age group, 35-45. I think there were at least 4 women who were slower than me ;). But I did beat a joggler.

So that's it from me folks - I'm going to catch up with all of your blogs and I'm sorry this is not a very sparkly post - I hope to be back at full sparkle soon. Hope all of your running is going well?


Emz said...

1st in age group!! THAT IS AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!

WAY to go!!

I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO missed you. Was so happy when I saw you had posted!

misszippy said...

So sorry you are feeling so bad! I hope you get a resolution to it quickly. And with that, you won your age group--you are tough!

Jill said...

Yes, that's excellent about your prize (what did you get? A million bucks?? ;)). I've been wondering where you were, and am sooo sorry to hear about your tummy problems. Hopefully you'll get news from the doctor soon and get a fix to this craziness. In the meantime, you just do what you can, you're strong and tough and have more gumption than most!!

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your tummy issues :( I can totally sympathize and I am not sure I have any words of wisdom for you. I just choose not to fuel, which isn't very effective especially for long runs! Hope the doctor can help and you feel better asap!

Congrats on your race!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute!!! You look great. Congrats on the prize. No matter the size of the race they are so so fun to get!!!

I'm excited for your marathon training this year. The universe owes you a good one :)

Running and living said...

I hope the stomach issues are nothing serious. You and your family are all beautiful! Congrats on the race, too.

Irish Blue said...

The pics look awesome and congrats on the race! Sorry you are not feeling well though. Hope the doctor gets to the bottom of it.

Unknown said...

HOW FUN! Your race sounds like it went well, congrats!
These stomach issues are worse than an injury because you never quite know what's going on. I hope you'll be okay for your marathon.
Hugs and remember, you are sparkly no matter what you have to say. It's just who you are!!

Susan said...

CONGRATS you prize-winning runner!

I do hope the doc can sort you out. Poor thing!

Marathon Maritza said...

You negated to mention in your email you got 1st in your AG!


Happy Feet 26.2 said...

Congrats! Nice racing and with tummy issues. Go Girl!

3 wks for results, yikes. Hope you get some easy resolutions soon.

Anonymous said...

sorry i have been awol lately. hoping you are feeling better and get a good diagnosis and positive prognosis for the stomach issues.